Financial Management and Accountability
Leadership, Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Nonprofit Governance and Leadership
Performance Management
Over the past four decades, governments, nonprofits, and private businesses around the world have enthusiastically adopted various approaches to “managing for results.” The methods include: TQM, MBO, GPRA, PART, KPI, Six Sigma, Baldrige, Kaizen, Balanced Scorecard, and Social Return on Investment.
Each method can help organizations to measure, analyze, report, and improve results. Public sector organizations and nonprofits face a particular challenge in results management: they have no “bottom line” and so must figure out other ways to measure, analyze, and report outputs and outcomes.
Through theoretical and practical readings, real-world exercises, and guest lectures by experienced professionals, students will systematically examine nonprofit and public sector performance measurement and management. The focus is on using social science research to develop a practical application of performance measurement with the goal of improving organizational performance and results. Students will apply their learning by helping to develop and refine a performance measurement system for use in human service nonprofits.